jz graduated frm national service aka NS
since a long time din post new stuffs here
hehe...thats normal
viewed back to the previous article was last year's august
can imagine that how often i come here
cuz having 2 blog pages really dunno how to handle
but just try...english here,chinese there
and mostly friends using blogspot
so.."on" it back
as my english is not that good,poor in writing
just forgive me whenever any grammar mistake
so..maybe in the mean time i might get to improve my english writing
keke..good idea ya!!
okay...just share some of the life in NS
the first two weeks..i often cried
miss my family..friends..dear
everyday just wish to return back home
the day in there was enough to suffer
life in camp really not that easy as i thought
i have to overcome those problems on me
but somehow..i gotta know many friends too
thats the advantages to be one of the "members" too
i would like to intro the group of my friends in camp:
-elynn(the long brown,yellowish hair girl)
-suhui(the girl who having a mature looks)
-mei mei(the cute,chubby girl who has many fans in camp)
-ping(the shy,generous,quiet girl)

frm left to right:Ping,me,Elynn,Mei Mei,Suhui
as we were in the same dome,same company
everyday we hang around together,
comfort each others,laugh together,eat together,share things together,
whatever things we do..surely together!!
it seems like we are sisters or friends that are very close
love them very much!!
some of the activities we cant get to play,enjoy
like kayak,high element stuffs(besides flying fox)
what i gotta enjoy was the flying fox & M-16
both activities were damn exciting...seriously!!
i do really like it altho i felt scared to do it at the first
but once i gotta experience it....the feeling was great!
M-16..the sound of the shots beaten up my heart
i was excited to give the first shot...
once i gotta release the first,i got more excited!!
30 shots was pretty fast...if can,i just wanna feel the shot again~~
Flying Fox..."ON BELAY...READY TO FLY!!"..off we go..
stood up at the tower which about 6 storeys high
i was shivering and did not dare to look down or give a move
those teachers were "bad"..they frighten me
i haven gotta said "READY TO F...." off i go
= =||| swt
the wind blew across my face
down there was a big dirty pond
the scenery was nice as i only gotta enjoy just in a few seconds
haihs....but it was fun ^^
The Tower
ohya...in camp,i gotta wear on baju kurung
that was my first time wore on
it was a nightmare to me
got once i wore..a pinky baju kurung which i borrowed frm friend
the problem was i had no sandals to match with it
no choice,i chose the slippers which i use to go bathroom aka selipar jamban!!
who knows..i met up with dicipline teacher
he saw..."aiyo..amoi a~baju cantik cantik..pakai selipar jamban pulak!!"
thats what he said to me
god..i wont forget this forever in my life
that day i was stuck in no where,my leg had nailed to the ground
i dun even dare to make a move
my first & last on it
but the thing is...i cant get to take a photo of me wearing on baju kurung
lost the opportunity =(
one more...i was surprise that we have to attend for classes
like character building,integrasi,...
every morning 8.30-12.30pm
bored man!!
i just feel sleepy everyday in class
actually,there is more & more things to tell
can say that 3 days 3 nights cant finish telling
these are some of the activities i've go thru
just wish those 2nd batch pelatih will enjoy in camp
nothing to be fear of...
gambateh!!!! ^^v
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