It seems a long time I didnt update my blog already and Ariff was just non stop asking me to update update...not only him but elynn also!! = =|||
ok guys...Since Im free for today, spend time to post on something!!
I do lotsa things to post about but that's too long...maybe I could just briefly talk over.
Last 2 weeks I think so...went back to my mum's hometown,Bidor for some kinda activity that they were having there so called the Bidor Half Marathon! We were not participating but just went there for some fun as my relatives were committee members..haha!
I did joined this for few years back with 7km and 3km but not for this year...excuse was LAZY!! I knew lazy was a lame excuse anyway! *blek* Around 8something, every runners were back to finishing point..lotsa people for this year compared the years before! Suddenly my brother just mumbling on something "Ah Loh"!! I was stunt for a moment and asked him again...and yes I heard he said "Ah Loh"!! Surprisingly....I saw a guy just walked by past me! That's him..Mr Loh, my high school dicipline teacher!! We used to call him Ah Loh back of him but not front! haha...I wanted to say "Hi" to him but my leg seemed to be nailed on to the tar road! = =|||
After few minutes, he walked towards my direction and my parents simply say "Hi"...I was surprise and dont know what to say! hehe...This was how my parents started a conversation with him...aiks! I did ask him few questions too..and something that impressed to me of him was he ran 21km....that was a far journey! Maybe I could just said he's a good athelete and proud of him too la!! hehe...bla bla for few minutes..I kept quiet for that few minutes just wished them could finish their TALKS!! kaka
It was quite preety good that I could meet back the discipline teacher who's the most famous teacher in school and well-known in other schools!! haha...XD
The BIDOR HALF MARATHON starting and finishing point
The runners..."RUN RUN RUN!!!"
Everyone finished their run...exhausted!?! ^^
The day before, my cousin's Myvi kena hentam by another! pity..=(
Last Tuesday and Wednesday were a holiday for us as the lecturers were having kind of meeting?? No idea..but it seemed to be like that!
Tuesday was a holiday and I have to go college for some kinda LAME meeting!! I thought it was a holiday, could sleep till noon only wake up but the meeting ruined my plans!! Fine, just attend to see what were they on..Morning took KTM as usual with Don, and met the others (Loon, Jason, Tan...) there! Together went to Lecture Hall...and there goes the "MEETING"!! I was surprised that all of us consider as the newbies have to introduce! WT...I was freaking nervous and wanted to piss at the same time!! I tahan tahan tahan sampai my was quite scary! I wanted to finish off my intro and ran to WC but someone just interupted!! I almost burst off.. After finished, PY teman me to WC..I dashed out frm the LH and rushed to WC as fast as I could! PY was just running after me...pity her!! keke...Released, cool..went back LH they asked me want sweets or not as they thought I had a terrible sick or something! haha...
The meeting ended at 1pm officially but there was another meeting about the activity they were having--Amazing Race! I didnt know a thing and I was blur with all!! 2.30pm..Everything ended! Py,Don,Ariff and me went to MV for lunch!! Seriously, I felt a little bored went outing with them compared to others..hmm! Maybe I didnt know what to talk about or just felt like going back home! We were loitering around the mall...walked from floor to floor...4.30pm went back home!
Ariff was just enough to talk with those *ahem* thing at KTM...= =|||
I didnt know how was the conversation liked..PUSSY just came out from him in a sudden!! Both of us was crazy and started to laugh like mad in station!! PY went blur at the same time..hehe!! XD I think that's only the fun part overall!! ^^
SC Senior
The group of us with the monkey at the back!!
Mostly culinary students...=(
The culinary "monkeys" XD
Little boy that PY and me played with but in the end he liked Ariff!!! >.<
The 4 of us...always go back together by KTM
They were kacau-ing him! haha...pity!
This was the part...
Ariff was explaining the PUSSY story to me!! XD
Lets end this post with a cutie babe!!!
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