To my surprise, Chester who from G8 changed to join with us, The G5!! Thats hilarious! I just cant believe he would change to join us! Maybe some kinda personal problems with that group...erm~ just a guess...But anyway, WELCOME HIM AGAIN!! Basically, the first week of class just an intro, nothing much depends on lecturers..but~ it might not be too lucky sometimes that one of the lecturer gave assignments on the first day of class...OWH~ C'MON MAN!!! >.<>.< That's what called life in college, so stressful!! Few days back, I did notice that we girls were just in the camwhored moment...every minutes every seconds when there's no lecturers...hehe...maybe too long didnt take pictures together =D
I just love to camwhore with them
Owh ya...I just wanted to share what I did yesterday when break time ^^ Pretty fun 2 hours break...After lunch, all of us headed to library...Usually in library besides "study" and online-ing there's nothing much could do! But...yesterday, some of them were so in a movie mood!! LOL...So they chose to watch HOME ALONE 4!! A gang of us..The G5...went to the audiovisual room to enjoy that comedy, laughed through till the movie ended! =D Not only Sunway has cinema, our college library too!! ^^ We watched together...laughed together...a moment with G5!! Pretty nice =) 2.30 class and just nice the movie ended at the right time!! All of us headed back to class, all of us walked out from the room as if coming out from a cinema, finished watching a show XD
*Same goes today...HOME ALONE 3!!*
The Camwhoring Day

GIB stands for GIRL IN BLACK!

The G5!!

Me and Kyalin doing silly face >o<
Not to forget this...Contribute by Tyty
Durian fillings ^^

Chester. me. Yi. Donoven. Vincent
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