The celebration was at night...The night before Yew called up to ask for transportation so I did have, I drove! *zzz* When I asked him how many people would be...answer was 23! I was like "OMG! 23?!?! Seriously serious!??!?! That's a big number!! Satu lori bawa semua orang also can!" That's what surprised me 99!! Whatever la...
On that day, came with 5 cars!
Driver of the day : Sek, Kua, Pang, Alvin & me!
Just imagine!! 5 cars of people to Umami Steamboat at Sunway! haiyoo...UNBELIEVABLE A!!! Those like Sek, Mei Ting and blah blah seldom come out with us also joined! SYOK GILA!!!
I fetched Jiun, Jing Wen & rabbit around 6.15pm then met with Sek to lead him there! But in the end he lost! = =||| Just because I used smart tag, he used touch'n'go + so many cars there! He cant follow up...haihs~ Sad to say sorry for my fault! But I already told him the direction, still, he cant get the place! Until dont know where he went...have to make a U-turn! My "GPS" also not that good...hard to tell him where to turn where to enter! =P Around 7.05pm, while waiting the others, I went to register our booking 1st =D
The shocking part was I thought table would be joint but separated! 3 tables!!! The only day that I have such a big group of people went to have steamboat...macam tour group! *BIG SWT*
In that restaurant, a guy looked really familiar to me but we didnt say "Hi" coz I also not confirm whether is that the guy I know onot....later "FISH" 99!! One of my NS camp friend...not really close but somehow I knew him la! Again, while waiting..why not we eat 1st!? haha...XD word to describe > FULL!!!
Then then...something happened in the mid...When I was talking on phone, Alvin and Yew were on phone with the others who havent reach yet coz they lost their way! So, from what they said at Taylor's, we thought of going to the junction to wait them since we ate till full full...manatau! Dia orang said at KTM! Shyt betul! Since they already lost their way for an hour, we decided to drive there cari orang! Alvin drove, Yew and I followed as I knew the place, so I lead them! Everything settled and finally they reached! haha...Yien and Mei Teng were so pissed off with that Pang! Complaint banyak banyak about him...hahha!!! Anyway, they still reached safely and had their dinner 99!!
10something, time to have that birthday cake out, birthday song as well...cut short here! Present time...I followed Yew to take Alvin's present, a hamster! Aww....cute hamster! =D I cant imagine if my friend bought me a pet! I think my mum gonna kill me as well...=P haha!! After Yew con him with an empty box then gave him the hamster in cage before everyone left...just a random surprise la! =D
Everyone went back home safe and sound..
End of the day!
Umami Steamboat
Spot on the guy sit with 3 girls 1...!!!
My NS camp friend! Im very sure!!

*bloop bloop*
Ready to eat!


These ice cream describe in a word

Our messy table...haihs!

Special done by me...
Ice cream + kacang = ICE KACANG

Sharkfin soup is the most unbelievable ones!!


Present for Alvin...Hamster!

Now, he got a responsible to take care of it =)
My NS camp friend! Im very sure!!
*bloop bloop*
Ready to eat!
These ice cream describe in a word
Our messy table...haihs!
Special done by me...
Ice cream + kacang = ICE KACANG
Sharkfin soup is the most unbelievable ones!!
Present for Alvin...Hamster!
Now, he got a responsible to take care of it =)
That's the end of the post too ^^
seriously my mum gona kill at first...
First time got this kinda present =="
haha...not bad a...u drove...
no chicken blind a??
i wan eat yu chi...
Alvin> haha!! what she said? "How come your friend give you such a gift?" XD
KHY> oni ma! everyone can la~ what chicken blind?? fat gai mang a?? = =|||
haha.... u go open a drive learning center la... put " now everyone can drive" as the quote... lolz...
chicken blind....haha
why say people chicken blind la!??!
walao weh... = =|||
damn innocent lo!!!
eleh... u mana ada...
tapi i ada ma...
chicken blind is fat gai mang mie??
not night blindness mie??
chicken is gai ma~
blind is mang ma~
so id gai mang lo!
how i know wor..i tot u direct translate
sry la mam...
my england not good...
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