This is my 2nd blog with the same title..."Words For You" Part 2!
This time I really have to say just right in the other the opposite side...
Not to hurt your feelings...somehow, have to say thousands apologize as I knew it wont work
I have really no idea nowadays how come I would just being kinda emo in front of you...
Is there a change in me or the emotional is back again?? I dont know whats the problem of me...Maybe you'll just piss me off but you dont show it out? This already a year plus...A year ago, we dont encounter any problems or even an argue...thats what people envy of but I told you that before..No argue doesnt mean anything...Sweet? Lovely? Like what people said argue can give another impression, know more about each other..I dont know is that true!!
During high school, we had been along before class started, during recess, tuition together...we were facing each other from day till night...My friend was curious about "How come you wont feel bored looking at him from day till night??" What I answered was "NO"... life is changing the "life" I've had before! Our relationship is moving further...and only sms and msn could pulled it back and see you once a week! I dont know whether is that a problem or not!!
Besides that, I would just like to emphasize a little about you..Im being honest(sorry guys, I've just type in chinese)
其实,有时我会觉得你的想法偏幼稚。 我不是要说我成熟 不过 你的想法有时真的让我觉得很白痴
性格上 你的一举一动有时让我难以形容 不主动?冲动? 脾气暴躁? 我不晓得
生活改变,我们都活在不同的college,这时 你会害怕失去。。疏远之间的距离。。开始会有种吃醋的感觉。。很多事情在脑里不停的旋转。。对,这都是正常!因为我们都害怕失去。。
但 你会相信我!
你每次都要约我出去 但 没一次成功, 我拒绝
或许你这么想 让我觉得你幼稚了 交往并不是一定要出去逛街什么之类的
你要知道 我们现在的时间会有些偏差 我以为你会明白 我不想出的原因
但 你却如此这么回我 我无话可说
第二,亲亲是要feel的!! 我都说了逼不来的!! 就算你用逼也好,随便的亲一下也好,没感觉什么也不是。。你感觉不到那种爱!!话说回来。。为什么你就没主动过!? 为什么每次都是我!? ok..fine~thats not the point..一年也好,两年也好。。没那种feel..是不可能做得到的!就算硬碰硬 不要说你,我也觉得不好受!Let it flow...顺其自然~
Because you understand me and trust in me...
LOVE goes on...
*I dont know what am I posting....*randomly*...points jump around!!*
Central Residence, Sungai Besi
3 years ago
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