Sunday,...Yes! Is Sunday and I have to go college to help up for the campus day @@ Woke up pretty early around 7am, got myself ready and mummy brought me for breakfast at 8am @@ Reach college around 8.55am, met Don and Jess..Later on I was off to the office looked for Ms May who in charge of those registration thingy which I need to help up! ARGH!!!
When down to everything ready before 10am..and I was given a post as ADMISSION!! Is a nice word but overall was a "photostat girl" =( Thats was my job..photostating, ok..proud of being that! At least I have things to do but not all the time!! >.< Bored!! I just walked around to look for friends to spend my time rather than just standing at the registration counter...There were not many guest at 10 but 11.30...they came in bit by bit, more and more!! = =||| Went for lunch with Boon and Loon..both them were jokers and we were laughing while eating! ahaha...The most funniest thing was my chicken!! = =||| We were laughing at our lunchbox..compared chicken!! Yet, I really got a chicken WING!! Betul betul WING ONLY!! Fark off la!! Not Fair!! The rice dried till can get choke also..not even a little gravy or anything..farking dry!! = =||| The worst lunchbox I've ever had, even NS also better!! =P OK, fine..Thats what we deserved so called the FREE LUNCH!! After lunch, back to work...Sien!! The culinary monkeys would come to accompany me whenever I seemed bored..Thx guys~ =D "Nah, Gao dim it!" Thats what came out from Ms Cassie with a plastic of McD!! LOL...XD All of us like hungry ghost that Ms Cassie told us! Maybe, coz the lunch didnt eat well ^^ All of us grabbed for the fries...haha!! "tick tock....tick tock...." SIEN!! I just cant wait to go back!! People were coming in more and more..and why did all of them like to come in last minute?? Hmm...This is so called the Malaysian! XP Just waiting the clock strike 5 and I would be free!! In the mean time, I was chit chatting, crapping with the monkeys! XD Kinda funny la...all made up jokes, also not to forget to BULLY me =( Why am I so easily get bully a!? aiks... Oh yea...5pm!! Everyone was moving off..and all of us, the staffs BALIK BALIK! All of us went up to the lobby, lined up to get our PAY!!! ^^ RM 40 for a day! Dont care so long I gotta "earn" that 40bugs!! Yeah...^^v Everything just ended wonderfully!!! Oh yea...not to forget Ariff's DSLR!! SYOK GILA!!! The moment I gotta feel it, I felt that Im a PRO!! haha...XD Serious...the camera really syok, can take several pictures in a time!! I LOVE DSLR!!! Image also damn freaking NICE!! Thx to him for bringing that camera la!! haha...=D Some of us gila gila nak take picture with that cam! Gila gila posing...especially ME!!! XD I cant resist from the aura of that camera!! I was like going "OMG...OMG.....!!!!" As if I was like a crazy fella!! haha...
Let the pictures talk!!
Picture taken using DSLR!! *high to the max*

Hiding at the back of the slide to have our "lunch"

The "Professionals"

My dad just called me at the right time!! =(

Trolley from nowhere @@


Acting sexy but Gagal =(

Pity Boon Boon!! haha...XD
These are what taken by K810i
The crowd
My lunchbox!! Damn sad..and is really ONLY WING!!!
Compared with Boon's!! >.<
This was my post--- ADMISSION
Pui Yee & Me (smart gila with the coat on!!)
I have no idea why Heng covered me with his coat!! @@
Night night~~
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