Everything talks about money. I'm working for money. Pay by money. Gamble with money. Travel with money. Money brings happy life? Money make your beauty?
Why besides money is still money?
My braces, spend 6k.
My course, spend 50k+
What's next? My beauty! Im having a serious problem of underarms. Why God has to make me suffer from money??! Went over a skin care centre, Bella. The consultant was explaining to me every single details and of course, PRICE of treatment is much more important and interesting to hear about. Another 4k+
Where could money just fall from no where in front of me. It helps me to solve every single problem! That's life? I dont think so. Why am I suffer from all this!? A serious matter of underarms make my life even not interesting. Wanna be sexy but cant, wanna be hot but difficult. =(
Camera, 2k
Smartphone, 2k
What's less than thousands!? Hundreds! -.-
How much can I earn for a month to get my target??