6.45pm, we both headed to Bukit Jalil for the Arsenal match. Excited. Yes! My ever first time. Drove all the way there, avoided jam, drove gangster bit. haha. Reach there was about 7.30pm. But, the jam outside the stadium was just not as jam as I thought. The parking was a real headache. We parked all the way back to the housing area and walked to stadium nearly took half an hour! A nice exercise for the night!
In the stadium, my attention was on the audiences. Their cheers made me even having much more fun! Of course, my boy too. First time watching a live game with my boy. Happy!
The crowds. Making me excited.
The players, Malaysia and Arsenal! =D

Finally, spotted Eric, my NS friend.
Yea, he was excited. Feel so great to see him smile =D
Match ended at 11pm. Way back home, had supper at mamak with boyfriend and he sleptover at my house. Awwww....!!! I feel so great. We are so near. Another first time. A real day to remember...13072011. ♥♥♥
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