Tuesday, March 17, 2009

(continued previous article)

here im gonna show something which quite lame
edited some of the pictures
exploring photoshop in the same time too
did this when i was freaking BORED!!!


My results...My testimonial...My certificate
Is time to Say Goodbye to my secondary school lifes!!

My Pencil Case...since 2008

Here goes my PLKN certificate!!
PLKN siri6 kump1/2009

The Autograph!!
Did have a great moment with all of you!!
Elynn....the girl owez to be The remember one!!
*with her long..wavy..yellowish hair!!*

The Drawing
copyrighted:Yin Yee aka CYY(my dorm-mate)
she's a kelantan girl,small in size,nice spoken
she does hav very very long dark hair &
everyone did call her Sailormoon


Daisypath Anniversary tickers