i didnt thought much when you said you got something really urgent about the course im gonna take
but 4 sure i felt bit worried....worry that you would say something sounds to be disagree to study the course or about the college
i didnt even know you would sms or miss called me for several times that made me more worried..
when you told me that the problems i gonna faced...i was like
"okay..okay..okay..i knew it!"
i was thinking "OH...this is how urgent that you gonna tell me?!" as i had already know at the very first before i choose to it..i didnt think of anything also.."what so urgent?!"
till the moment you seems going out of ur mind,out of control....non stop telling me the problems....and i knew it
i knew you were extremely worry...is already out of what you thought of...like what you said above...
our relationship really comes to a challenging world & this is what we have to go thru...we cant predict whats going on next or how would it be
and you see...now im just studying,not gonna out for work...we still have the time to meet up,right??
studying and working are two different things...study is just a short time period
maybe sometimes having some assignment and same to you too...all of us might busy or might not too..who knows
i know there will be some other things gonna "stop" from us but just take it as a challenge in our life..nothing is gonna sacrifice us!!
you always think out of the box, thats good but too far...sometimes we cant think so far till we go mad or even stress on some other things..coz we cant get what we want
thats part of your personality...i cant change, but you can..只要你肯从另一个角度看,你会发现其实每样事情都有好与坏,没有事情是单单只有一面
example..erm..if everyone wants to be smart, who gonna be the stupid 1?
thats life...none of us are 100% perfect but we can change ourselves
somedays,a stupid person can be smart too
and same to you too...because you said to be the one..you are like that but you didnt give it a try to change yourself..maybe "they" wanna get away from you but you dont let them go..why dont give "them" a chance and yourself too...let "them" go, bring us the new 1...you can have also a bright future....
another...im a little sensitive person, when people take it as a joke but to me,it maybe the serious 1...sorry for that outing being quite moody, i knew you were trying to make me happy but sorry....i ruined out everything for our first outing
i didnt tell my mum the truth that i was going out with you & i did make up a story
i was sorry for that...i dont know how to face & tell my mum the truth as i had promise myself to tell the truth after finished SPM till now..but things did not go well!!
to tell the truth..as what you said,you are selfish! sometimes you thought of yourself & didnt think of others, how others feel...me as an example!!
like going out with you and family, i know you are expecting alot..i might say YES but my parents might say NO!! you un? i know my parents better than u do...so, sometimes i was thinking "why you have to force me to do so?" or "why you expect so high?"
thats all...and the choice is in you...
i didnt mean to hurt you or feelings..thats all i wanna say
you can just take it as reference you wish to, not to force as well!!
you are the boyfriend that i proud of like what you thought of me too..
happy to be together..is glad to keep every moment we had
things might not be that worst as you thought
dear...dont be pessimist...i really do wanna give you a lift, the thing is you have to help up yourself too
i would not let you walk alone..
do what we should do...do the best as well...!!

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