When will these assessments end?! Just wanna have a term break..
Ok..back to topic, Practical assessment basically will do some mise-en place, technique of wiping the cutleries and crockeries, table setting and napkin fold. Before our assessment started, Mr Alex,our lecturer checked on our grooming. Some were really put little effort but some didnt do any preparations including me..he nagged some of us, me too about the grooming especially when he checked on me..I was really have no idea, mind went blank.
"You didnt put any effort on your hair, not even a light make-ups, finger nails are slightly long.." bla and bla~~
Make-up..just put on some lip gloss...I think that lip gloss not shining la!! How come he cant see...=(
30mins to do out mise-en-place, all of us really busy on taking all the cutleries and crockeries that we need to use for the set meal..dinner plate, BB plate, fish knife and fork bla and bla..wiped using the cloth and hot water...15 mins set a table!! Times up...he came around to check 1 by 1. The first thing was water goblet..."OMG!! Can you see the finger prints? Terrible!"
When he came to mine, he saw the center piece and the first to ask was "You borrow from your friend, isnt it? I saw this before" Wow...he knew!! Yea, that was Don's center piece..really simple and I also put in 4 stalks of fake flowers..Maybe it was really simple and took everyone's attention! haha...
After checking...he gave us a chance to wipe the goblet as clean as possible before he give us marks! Everyone was really busy and did hard on wiping...wiped till my hand also got cramped!! OMG...so difficult! But in the end, he was satisfied!! ^^

My table setting with a Love Knot napkin fold!! ^^
After finish our assessment, he gave us some briefing on the next assessment which we have to serve guest!! OMG!!! = =||| The most fun part was the coffee maker!! Woo...so syok~!! He did us 4 cups of coffee and yet we could drink it during the break!! haha...

Arrangement of the coffees and teas

The coffee..woo!! *slurp*

The gang of us!! haha...

Pity Donoven..kena pointed by 4 girls!!
Oh yea..when the class almost end, one of the lecturer..I forgot his name already!
"Who's center piece is this?"
"Oh..where you get this??"
"From my friend..I borrow from him"
"DC?? Group??"
"Ya...DC G1"
"Haha...my student"
OMG!! Not only the person get popular even the center piece also!! = ="'
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