Sometimes I just like this class cuz fun, interesting, know more about whats happening in restaurant bla and so on ^^
Yesterday--Tuesday, F&B AP class was about COFFEE!! I aint a fans of coffee but sometimes I did drink some cuz coffee might bring ENERGETIC!!! XD The 2nd thing is wont feel sleepy?? hurm...not agree with that cuz I'll sleep too =P
We did make our own coffee...nice on making cuz gotta feel how to make a coffee ^^ We used two devices which were the mocha maker and French Press coffee maker...I just felt freaking shock with the mocha maker, it was extremely special that I never ever seen before...sounds "jacoon" =)

Mocha maker

French Press coffee maker
The ever first class that we could drink coffee when the lecturer was teaching us....haha!! Shiok gila!! The lecturer then showed us some coffee arts videos!! Every video was AMAZING!!! I wish I could do the same thing when time goes on...=) Very cool!!

Before the class ended, he showed us the process of making Irish coffee...that was OMG when he told us about the ingredients-- pounded coffee powder, a little of whisky!!, and whipped cream on top and also some caramel on the side ^^ It tasted like in HEAVEN!! I just cant imagine the taste when whisky mixed with coffee!! But ended with a unpredictable judgement about the coffee~ Just wanna shout out "OO LALA!!!" XD Happy drinking and Anson the Pengacau poured in slightly more whisky into the coffee while lecturer was not around...and yet every tasted...The moment I drank, YES! I WANT MORE!! But guess what? They said IM DRUNK!! F*** You guys...IM NOT OKAY~ You cant said that I was drunk because my face turned RED!! = =||| swt on you people!! FINE... *class end* [It was raining~]
Coffee Beans
Irish Coffee
Watch the videos of coffee art! It's amazing~ ^^
Today service class makes me extremely exhausted than before I did!! Just dont know why~
Everything was in order in the in job...and I was a little frustrated on doing linen...have to fold 30 napkins!! WTF!!! My hand went cramp already = =|||
When the time striked 12pm, the restaurant was opened! Everyone was starting to be busy on serving and I was the only one still standing around, looking called FREE cuz my guests not yet arrived! Haihs...and all in a sudden the manager of the day kept aasking me "where's your guest? Called them la! You chould confirm earlier!"
C'mon la!! I already told them and you think I dont feel scared that people will FFK me ka!?!?! Shyt You!! 12.30pm...still waiting and my face just brighten up when I saw the culinary group of people were walking outside...that was the time for me already!! Yoohoo...^^ guests(Elyza, Olivia& Jezri) did come at after 12.30pm but no big deal...The thing was I did mistakes and clumsiness =( Mempersiasuikan!! aiks...Luckily they werent that bored as keep on talking with me...felt slightly enjoying and thats why I made mistakes...hahaha!!! Blaming...=)
On serving, because I was the last to serve so I didnt know how could those cutleries went missing!! I thought they counted correctly, ngam ngam...OMG!!! Everything, everyone was just in rush and that cause CHAOS!!! I was really tired already...
Owh yea..the dishes for today were really much more nice looking than before that fish dish...prawn cocktail, roast chicken with gravy and TIRAMISU!! But I dont like that desert cuz cheesy and very the gau gau!!! Lack of coffee taste =( Because they were the last so...when they were eating I just stand beside and chit chat la...since the lecturer not there~ Then Jezri just asked me "Do you want some(tiramisu)??" I was like no no no but walking towards there and kept on looking whether lecturer there ornot...XD So..thats how I gotta tried on that =D Thx to him la...=)
Closed restaurant and counted the money...short of RM6!! = =||| Like that la..kena lectured by lecturer already until 2.30pm..terus pergi class with empty stomach!! OMG!!! >.< What a sueh day a!!
30 napkins!! I folded most of them!!
Angle problem...
It's a butterfly fold ^^
So..that's it for all....Tatata~~~
aiyo....din ask me go...
It interesting blog. It would be great if you can provide more details about it.
Coffee Equipment
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