Saturday, November 14, 2009

When I think of it =(

When did I started to ask mummy to let me learn guitar?
Why Im so get interesting in guitar?

Since Im so desperate on learning guitar..mummy brought me to a music centre learnt...she did bought me a guitar too as I need to use for learning purpose~
Days by days...I learnt and learnt~ nearly a year...What have I learn??
I stopped from learning because of National Service...3 months no guitar...I didnt even get to touch a string on it within that 3 months time...
So..whats next? After I backed from NS, my mood on guitar was lost in no where! O.O
I dumped it aside for "decades"... College life started as time with it anymore~

No time? That's an excuse for me =S

On that day, a song suddenly pop out from my mind -- More Than Words
I went so excited to search for it everywhere in net... youtube, google...Then found out a young boy played this song perfectly~ I was so impressed with him tho! =D
He gave me a little motive on continue playing my guitar...but that's also just for a short period! *sad case*

No one gonna give a motive..keep pushing me on continue with the guitar! =(
My guitar is being dump =(
Who willing to save it??
My fingers also cacat already... =X


KHY said...

aiyo...playing guitar is use to relax ur mind... when free then play play la... arrange ur time la... 1 week play 2 or 3 times...
I wish to learn guitar u know??
haha... next time play 1 song for me...=P
wat la... finger cacat...=.=

Jessie Ms T said...

hey hey...if i can play a song properly, that might make me relax! but i sudah cacat...mana leh~?!
learn la..go learn~ then got ppl accompany me ad..muahaha!!!

KHY1680 said...

aiyoyo.... slow slow learn back la...sikit sikit jadi bukit a
haha... u borrow me ur guitar la...
or u give me la... i dun mind d~

Jessie Ms T said...

give you!?

dun dream la!!

KHY1680 said...

yala... as my birthday present...XD
teach me play guitar la

Daisypath Anniversary tickers