This coming Friday, Saturday and Sunday...Im gonna enjoy myself throughout the days! Yeap yeap huuray!! That's how my mum said "Lotsa program ho! Go here and there!" *ermmmm.....* =)
I can said that after I entered into the college life..I always wanna go outing with friends =D This will be my very first time go on "vacation" with friends...hah!
Friday after class gonna wait till 9pm and go for the MJ's movie "That it is" at Sunway Pyramid with Yi and friends =D Yoohoo...although Im not really get interesting with MJ but somehow his songs are nice! muahahaha.....XD Just simply go and watch and have fun as well...but at night after movie I still havent get any answer from my mum yet whether I can stay a night at Yi there not *hmmm* What I've told her was since I gonna have class on saturday so why not Friday put a night at her house, then my mum also no need to drive all the way to Sunway pick me up at night *maybe gonna be 11+pm* Right right?? =D My idea damn good la...^^
So, what about Saturday?? Yea..that's the point! We gonna go Genting after YTB's class! Yoohoo...after class we should have a pre-internship briefing but since he said can let us join the other group on next week...why not? Yes! Settle!! ^^ Thx God! Heleluuya! 2d1n at Genting with friends, Im too excited with that!! My ever first time ~ Hope everything will go well =D
Pray Hard!!
*I damn f*** off you today!! Shadap and stand a side la!*