Yea...thats me The Boring Girl
Everyone was busy working,studying,NS-ing...and I know the people who just back from NS might be the same as me too...bored whole day,doing nothing...
Wanna ask others for outing is not easy as i think...dear started his study life last good least he already get rid of his 3months boredness...keke ^^
Last Saturday..went for a hair cut,simply just wanna have it cause my hair was messy!
Evening went back to Malacca,grandma house for Cheng Ming
That night was also a dark the whole world turned off the light to support the the world!! We did that too..but wasnt that fun which i thought so...because of those kiddies scared in dark so we have to turn on the light again...just a minutes we off and on backed...hmm!!
I was wishing that if Im with my cousins sis, I think it would be more fun~at least we can think out of something to do...We are teenagers!! haha...lotsa ideas ^^
The next morning..went to temple seriously..Im bored over there! nothing to do..standing around like a mental problem patient..looking around at those people busy walking from the end to another, holding on their joss-stick highly..smokes everywhere which could turned into eye sore...PHEW!!!!
Couldnt stand...walk out from the temple...went to buy an ice cream to eat ^^
And that was it...I did it every cream is my best partner when I felt bored..should say eating is one of my interest when Im bored..haha
Okay..nothing else to show millions of words!

The Concerto...Taiwanese Drama...^^
"Itu Dia!!" the dialog that reminds me the day in camp

Before I cut my hair..
Looks funny... = = Im headache with it every morning and after bathe..
Fringe really slightly short already = = *sad*
*Any comment with it? Which looks better? o.O *