Saturday, May 30, 2009
♪ 对的人 ♪
不妨听听吧~ ^^
你問在我心中 是否還苦惱
那次受傷 否決了愛的好
謝謝你的關照 我一切都好
一個人 不算困擾
*愛雖然很美妙 卻不能為了寂寞
#愛要耐心等待 仔細尋找 感覺很重要
寧可空白了手 等候一次 真心的擁抱
我相信在〔這個〕世界上 一定會遇到
那次流過的淚 讓我學習到
如何祝福 如何轉身不要
在眼淚體會到 與自己擁抱
愛不是一種需要 是一種對照
重唱 *,#
當我想清楚的時候 我就算已經準備好
放手去愛 海闊天高 wo wo wo wo yeah
重唱 #,#
Friday, May 29, 2009
Words For You 2
This time I really have to say just right in the other the opposite side...
Not to hurt your feelings...somehow, have to say thousands apologize as I knew it wont work
I have really no idea nowadays how come I would just being kinda emo in front of you...
Is there a change in me or the emotional is back again?? I dont know whats the problem of me...Maybe you'll just piss me off but you dont show it out? This already a year plus...A year ago, we dont encounter any problems or even an argue...thats what people envy of but I told you that before..No argue doesnt mean anything...Sweet? Lovely? Like what people said argue can give another impression, know more about each other..I dont know is that true!!
During high school, we had been along before class started, during recess, tuition together...we were facing each other from day till night...My friend was curious about "How come you wont feel bored looking at him from day till night??" What I answered was "NO"... life is changing the "life" I've had before! Our relationship is moving further...and only sms and msn could pulled it back and see you once a week! I dont know whether is that a problem or not!!
Besides that, I would just like to emphasize a little about you..Im being honest(sorry guys, I've just type in chinese)
其实,有时我会觉得你的想法偏幼稚。 我不是要说我成熟 不过 你的想法有时真的让我觉得很白痴
性格上 你的一举一动有时让我难以形容 不主动?冲动? 脾气暴躁? 我不晓得
生活改变,我们都活在不同的college,这时 你会害怕失去。。疏远之间的距离。。开始会有种吃醋的感觉。。很多事情在脑里不停的旋转。。对,这都是正常!因为我们都害怕失去。。
但 你会相信我!
你每次都要约我出去 但 没一次成功, 我拒绝
或许你这么想 让我觉得你幼稚了 交往并不是一定要出去逛街什么之类的
你要知道 我们现在的时间会有些偏差 我以为你会明白 我不想出的原因
但 你却如此这么回我 我无话可说
第二,亲亲是要feel的!! 我都说了逼不来的!! 就算你用逼也好,随便的亲一下也好,没感觉什么也不是。。你感觉不到那种爱!!话说回来。。为什么你就没主动过!? 为什么每次都是我!? ok..fine~thats not the point..一年也好,两年也好。。没那种feel..是不可能做得到的!就算硬碰硬 不要说你,我也觉得不好受!Let it flow...顺其自然~
Because you understand me and trust in me...
LOVE goes on...
*I dont know what am I posting....*randomly*...points jump around!!*
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Hawaiian Party
After the class was around 3pm..waited for Don to bring me pastry..woohoo!! He's pastry damn freaking nice week by week...this time was muffin!! ^^ I chose the muffin with almonds on the top ones...I can really feel the LOVE!! OMG...!! I feel the happiness!! OMG..!! "Don...stop that la!!"
He's muffin really nice although it was a little hard..I ate that for 30mins..haha!! Bit by bit till Jason and Don cant tahan..asked me to eat faster!! How can!? Enjoy what!! =D If he feed me pastry every week...I ll really gain a kilo already la!! >.<>.<>.< But at least I got 2 little teddy bears...^^ Satisfied la...nyek nyek~ also a game for guys...the Mambo Stick!! haha...but I didnt watch that coz we were busying taking pictires with Mr Anthony =P Oh yea...not to forget..Mr xx Tay Boon..haha!! (sorry la..forgot his surname) That night was his birthday...must be an unforgettable one!! haha..a really big surprise for him...Cheese cake..I think..Another big surprise too...Mr Patrick and some seniors helped him to wear on a bikini bra!! haha...Damn funny la wei!! Everybody was enjoying that night coz all in casual, no rules!! haha...XD Fun Fun Fun!!! Woohoo.... Party ended around 9something...time to go back!! What I can said is...this is much more better than orientation night!! ^^
Posers of G5!! =D
Dinner time...enjoying!!
Spaghetti, tart, fried popiah, pizzas, chicken wings and sandwiches!! many things to eat!!
MC (left > right) Mr Anshul & Mr Anthony ^^
The chef crews with Chef Azura & Chef Kartina
Pui Yee & Me
Ee Laine & Jian
Liz & Max
Special Guest of the night...Happy Birthday to you Mr xx Tay Boon ^^
LOL...XD a picture with Mr Anthony...cute la wei!! ^^
Now only I noticed that both of them are same height!!
Jian & Me
Mr Anshul...I got that revenge!!
He took my picture!! >.<
A group picture with Mr Anshul & Mr Anthony
Sam & 4 of us
picture with Mr Alex, our mentor+ F&B AP&Practical lecturer
Ms Ruth..should be our housekeeping practical lecturer but she left us and thats how Anthony joins!!! ^^
Mr Anthony & 4 of us...and my 2 little bears ^^
A group picture of G5 & 6 with the 2 macho lecturers
G5 & 6 with Mr Anshul
This is the tart....^^ but too bad la...i didnt taste it!! >.<
Me & Vivian
Jian...I know you are there!! Dont gila gila camera already la...=P
T T .... blur!! Liz & me
Another blur...Jian the Devil wanna eat me up!!
Max the sexy and me!!
Jeremy & me
Mohammad & me...tired la this pose!! coz he is tall...=D
The sexy posers of G9!!
Vivian..Me..Mei Ling!!
F&B practical assessment
When will these assessments end?! Just wanna have a term break..
Ok..back to topic, Practical assessment basically will do some mise-en place, technique of wiping the cutleries and crockeries, table setting and napkin fold. Before our assessment started, Mr Alex,our lecturer checked on our grooming. Some were really put little effort but some didnt do any preparations including me..he nagged some of us, me too about the grooming especially when he checked on me..I was really have no idea, mind went blank.
"You didnt put any effort on your hair, not even a light make-ups, finger nails are slightly long.." bla and bla~~
Make-up..just put on some lip gloss...I think that lip gloss not shining la!! How come he cant see...=(
30mins to do out mise-en-place, all of us really busy on taking all the cutleries and crockeries that we need to use for the set meal..dinner plate, BB plate, fish knife and fork bla and bla..wiped using the cloth and hot water...15 mins set a table!! Times up...he came around to check 1 by 1. The first thing was water goblet..."OMG!! Can you see the finger prints? Terrible!"
When he came to mine, he saw the center piece and the first to ask was "You borrow from your friend, isnt it? I saw this before" Wow...he knew!! Yea, that was Don's center piece..really simple and I also put in 4 stalks of fake flowers..Maybe it was really simple and took everyone's attention! haha...
After checking...he gave us a chance to wipe the goblet as clean as possible before he give us marks! Everyone was really busy and did hard on wiping...wiped till my hand also got cramped!! difficult! But in the end, he was satisfied!! ^^

My table setting with a Love Knot napkin fold!! ^^
After finish our assessment, he gave us some briefing on the next assessment which we have to serve guest!! OMG!!! = =||| The most fun part was the coffee maker!! syok~!! He did us 4 cups of coffee and yet we could drink it during the break!! haha...

Arrangement of the coffees and teas

The coffee..woo!! *slurp*

The gang of us!! haha...

Pity Donoven..kena pointed by 4 girls!!
Oh yea..when the class almost end, one of the lecturer..I forgot his name already!
"Who's center piece is this?"
"Oh..where you get this??"
"From my friend..I borrow from him"
"DC?? Group??"
"Ya...DC G1"
" student"
OMG!! Not only the person get popular even the center piece also!! = ="'
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
[No Idea]
The past few weeks really happened lotsa stuffs in college. Kitchen & pastry class was the fun day after all..bake some new pastry which name Choux Pastry aka cream puff! My ever first pastry which Don said it contained LOVE!! I put LOVE in it...and taste better than marble cake! haha...*cheer* There was an group assignment and assessment in kitchen. The assignment was we have to cook 3 dishes within the time limit..Donoven and I were in group and we did the soup was AWESOME although it turned brownish ^^ Salad and the bread with cheese(forgot what's the name of it) too taste nice!! Next, was the time for individual assessment. Just have to point to the vege and name the method of cutting as many as I can..I did it quite ok ^^ She also asked me a few basic knowledges were really let me felt leaving the room!! haha..but everything was just fine!
Assessment for Business of Tourism and Hospitality was pretty easy whenever I've found that study really makes perfect!! ^^ And I scored 29/40....mistakes alot!! =( Same goes to room division's assessment!! I really found out that study makes perfect as I wanted to do so far so that my final would be in flying colours!! Yeah....*peace* Wish me LUCK!!
Oh yea..this shouldnt be forget! I was really pissed off with the geography lecturer! Last Saturday, we were having a replacement class for 28th April. Our class started at 8.30-10am and it should be end at 10 officially!! But what I saw on that was he ended pretty freaking early which can really kick his ass off!! 1hour earlier...the class was dismissed!! OMG!!! I tot he would continued teaching, who knows he finished the topic really as fast as the lightning speed..and I could just took a few minutes to rest! The week before he said could wear casual but no jeans, ok fine but the day before he said again...
I think that's for now..
Later I gonna have a Hawaii Partie BABEH!!! In college!!! Woohooo...!!
*High to the MAX!!!*
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
All I need is Time!!
Im exhausted
I need fully rest
I need a holiday!!
I need a relaxation
I need everything I want!!
I need a place to breath!!
p/s: Im enough tired for next week!! 3 assessments on next week Monday and Tuesday!! Study study study everyday!! Class on Saturday too....!!
Piss On You
Geography class,the lecturer damn freaking in good mood!! The moment we stepped into the class,he smile WIDELY with us!! I could sense something gonna happened..but I just left it over~ Looked at the class,some of them said "No assessment today! Dont need to scare la!!" The lecturer said "See those at the top,sitting there,relax only~"
Ok..we really thought no assessment but I dont think so and one of my friend asked him
"Sir!! Today got assessment onot?! Tell the truth!!"
"When will you want the assessment??"
(Everyone was just agreed for the next day)
"No sir..we dont want assessment!!" (some of them said so)
(He was just non stop asking about the assessment thingy = =|||)
" tomorrow assessment!!"
(Everyone cheered for it!!)
"Sir..can we take a look at the paper?!"
"Sure..I ll let you take a look later!"
I was wondering how could he be so in a good mood~SUDDENLY!!!!
WTF!! ASSESSMENT!! HE CHEATED US!! >.< THIS IS WHAT COLLEGE LIFE IS?? BEING CHEAT BY LECTURER!! ARGH...Didnt study also!! But luckily I studied the europe map,countries and capitals!! YES!! It came out in the paper~Not to think twice,finished of them first! I did it from back to front...XD FINISHED at 11.45pm...went for lunch!!
CELAKA BETUL LA.... *grrr*
One more...why he wanna set the replacement day on next Saturday!! >.< Funny la he!! Saturday is the day I can sleep more and who knows I have to come over college just for a class on 8.30am!! Next Friday also another replacement day from 2.30pm-4pm!! Aiks..cant go back early..= =|||
Cant see dear for that day~ =(
Love to Mum
Okay...back to topic!! Last Saturday dear picked me up from house to his aunt's house for a BBQ party! My ever first time met his family...Nervous?! YES!!! Upon reaching there...dear just brought me walked around in the neighbourhood, there's a function on too just right opposite the house..haha!! Free musics to listen with while party-ing! ^^ Not bad huh..right in time!! Suddenly, he's mum asked to picked up his cousins at Cheras Selatan and I had to stay back! Okay..Fine!! Just hav myself at the house..doing nothing..hmm!! Time to eat, and thats the time to ease my loneliness!! hehe...^^ After finished dinner, both of us just sat in the living hall,spent time with kiddies,his cousins! haha...Cute kiddies!! Just right after the time I wanted to go back, his cousins asked to sit over to join them! So, I cant just say NO...His cousins started to ask lotsa FUNNY questions and I didnt know how or what to answer and even felt awkward! Hmm...Suddenly they suggested to play a game with the rule of loser had to drink at least half can of beer! WTH....Who's gonna send me back?!?! 10.45pm..I was already impatient and wanted to go back, keep on kacau-ed dear to send me back..Finally, he stopped playing and send me backed safely!! ^^
My brother was helping
In oven..."tick tock tick tock~"
"DING!" Ready! This so called UFO!!
The problem was mould too BIG!!
But dont just see the outer....inner was wonderful!!
Marble or Layer?? haha
This cake was a combination of "cookies" and cake..WTH!!! "Cookies" was the upper and down part as it was already harden and crunchy and the inner was soft!! Skill?? People will just said "You baked too long!!" But this was a special cake as it contained LOVE in it even it doesnt look that nice..and taste of LOVE!!!
Thursday, May 07, 2009
This just started on Tuesday when there was just a short break for us! After lunch, Donoven, Vincent, Sky and me went up to snooker center! That was my first excited!! tell that Im the only girl with them played snooker? pool? Both of these just confusing me!! Whatever it is~ The guys were quite good in it...I have no idea how to play, and yet dont know how to "pose" my fingers!! XD Sky taught me that, minutes by minutes I started to take shake with it...haha!! Not bad ya...but every push was just senget!! = = The ball just right in front the hole and I could push it side way....swt la!!
Class started at 2.30pm, Donoven asked me to stop but I refused! *tongue out*
"Wait a minute, just let me play for few more minutes!!"
Ahah...thats what I said, tick tock tick tock....He asked me to stop again I was already addicted with fun and dont even wanna attend class also!! But somehow, I have to!! So, just stopped and leave Sky alone,off we went to class!! *sad*
The same thing I did for today!! haha...After finished English replacement class for just an hour, Sing Yi, Donoven, Vincent and me went to library...what were we up to!? CS time!! haha....Gaming in library..!! Sing Yi and I finished our assignments,printed out the hard the time for gaming already! I played CS in Sing Yi's laptop...wahaha!! Damn freaking syok a!! Later on, a guy name Vick? something like that, joined us and Sing Yi started to play L4D!! That game was freaking disgusting with those heads,legs bla and bla broken..burst like hell,flying in the air, blood everywhere! SYOK GILA!!! >.<>.< Bad!! Fine...I can excel it!! XP There we met Tyty,a vietnamese,quite a nice guy and also the others la!! I really impressed of myself on the table...woohoo!! Fun playing that...Later Sky came, joined in! He can be known as my sifu already!! He was the guy that taught me to play!! kaka...XD Again, I was playing with Tyty and Donoven started to shout at me and said "Stop Jess...class gonna start soon!!" I refused to listen and continued playing! hehe....Until 2.25..2.30pm~ I stopped with it and rushed down to Annexe for Housekeeping class...^^ Okay...something to tell that~ in that kind of place, people will smoke!! And the moment I just stepped out from shirt smell like shyt!! = = What I did was asked Sing Yi for perfume!! keke...^^ And yes...cant be too addicted with it!! Coz it really cost alot!! In room division class, Mr Anthony is our lecturer currently! He is a nice guy..and yet he looks handsome *tongue out* , young and freshie looking...and thing that I like is his hair!! huhu...^^ Today was just a crazy class!! Few of us(only girls) went crazy, laughed like mad girls!! Even the lecturer also "beh tahan" with us, no idea with us too! To tell that, we were out of control..!! XD
I laughed out damn freaking loud, I knew!! *blek* But no offense,right!? No one gonna seal my mouth! But what made us laughed like that? That was started from the lecturer...He told us what did he experience while working in Traders Hotel as a housekeeper..kaka~ He said, while he was keeping a room, suddenly he found something that was unusual...LOL!! Something that girl used for sex thing...something like that, I dont know what does it called!! = = The moment he told us this, we girls started to laugh madly...dont care of image also...not to mean that we were dirty minded but that was fun...just a knowledge to know some other things that we will face in future! kaka....XD
Another, he told us again about a couple went to the hotel at night! He was working at front desk and a couple just came in to do a room booking for their "business"....haha! Definitely, hotel might be a best place for them, the guy even couldnt wait to have their "business" and just showed out the credit card and IC as weel to the front desk and asked for a room key...mentioned that "AFAP" (as fast as possible) !! woohoo....damn syok la!
We girls got more excited with it than guys did, asked the lecturer to talk more! haha....(yea, I knew Im a little hamsap la!!) Again, no offense!!
4pm..anthony just ended the class...we were so surprised that we ended 1hr earlier...^^ He is a nice guy...So, tata!!
That's for today....chaoz!! ^^
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
2 days outing(020509 & 030509)
What next?? Back home..sleep!! ^^
Sakae Sushi...Good place!!
Everything is just in computerize (not including that little boy...XP)
Chawan Mushi....steam egg?? something like that la...better than Sushi King...^^
I dont know what to named for this...but this really cost "nice"....RM5.90/plate!
My brother just showing his nasty look
"Who take away that piece?!"
Oh yea...The California Temaki-s which the dishes that we dont need to pay for!!
RM3.90/plate! woohoo...."ba wong chan" XP
Hot Plate Udon!! Nice...*slurp~*
Mochi with 3 colours 3 flovours(for sure) .... XD
Red=red bean ; Yellow=peanut ; Green=green tea!!
Kuih sago...tried out just a little small piece even though Im already full..!!
He was just non stop eating!! Good eater la!! (Growing Stage!!)
Chinese Dumpling?? so called the "Gao Zhi" in cantonese!
Sunday...cousins decided to go The Curve! Woosh...good to see only!! = =||| Whatever the pockets!! Walked here and there...seemed to be doing nothing there! quite bored with it...
Then,we walked to a street market..There's lotsa things to look at...^^ and the price were quite reasonable...I think I just post up pictures! Lazy to type...^^
The Curve....the ever 1st time Im here!!
The expensive shoes even already discounted!!
And the thing is you can get any sizes just right on this rack!! o.O
So romantic!!
Somewhere out from The Curve so called the Street Market!!
French Town?? ^^
He is always nasty!! Trying to pose cool but ended up with a gangster pose! = =|||
"Mummy!! You're just a good photographer!!" do I look in this?? haha
The stretch of stalls....
The Cineleisure! Wish to go there...
Place we have a rest and drink!!
Snow Mango....damn sweet but I like it! <3
The Aquarium in Ikano
Let's see what are the fishes in it!
Clown Fish aka NEMO!!
Dont know what fish is this but I named itself as The Kisser!!
Because it's mouth!! Notice?? =D
The Tiny Blue Fish...