Oh yea...holiday is here!! Im free!! oolala...but wait a minute~ holiday...isnt that gonna be bored again?! = =||| Who gonna cheer me up and ask me for outing this 2 weeks off??
Term 1 has officially done!! The end for Term 1 and there comes another term...Yet, term 2 timetable has posted!! OMG!! How come they can be so efficiency? That's too fast...Unbelievable @@ I thought it will post before a week the term starts...Well, no offence!
In just 10 weeks time...term 1 & 7K just said BYE to me =( Time really flies...and...what I ve been done in the 10 weeks?? What have I learnt?? Wookayy..basically, friends [YES], lesson[YES], skill[YES],...what I sort of?? ^^ Pretty good in Term 1 with my group mates and also those culinary monkeys...haha!! Everything was going very fast, getta know friends from friends, assignments and assessments always there waiting for me to get them up...*phew* It just an eye-blink, seems it just happen yesterday! Remember the day I met up my group mates and I was thinking "What an awful group!" I thought of changing to another group coz I dont know each of them but time prove it and it started from an awful group to full of crazy-ness group! *Sharing is Caring* Sing Yi, Vincent and Donoven are the people that I always get along with and close with...Sing Yi (sister) love her much, camwhoring partner; Vincent, everyday bread as lunch = =||| ; Donoven(darling) haha..not the darling as what people thought of...he always help me up and also one of my partner in group whenever we are doing our project! ^^
Others...like Shien, I really like to listen her Love story, give me some kinda feelings..=)
Get along with those lecturers are pretty fun..everything is totally different in college life compared to school life...in college, lecturers are sporting and always up-to-date of what we are thinking...easy to get along, I love the life!! But sometimes I just really dont like to wear formal...I thought that in college I can wear casual like jeans and t-shirts but because of this course and the rules in college, jeans are strictly not allow! = =||| OMG!! Think twice, sometimes wearing formal can show my professional! Not bad huh~ haha ...XD And the dressing just make me looks more confident and COOL!!! XP
Next, whats next?? Oh yea..forgot about the culinary monkeys!! haha~ Don is the first culinary student I met up then slowly get along with Boon, Ariff, Loon and others...They are the gang that I always hang around with and I really have no idea how come I'll bang with them! @@ The hospitality student bang with culinary students..and always come with jokes! Sometimes "stupid" jokes...omg!! Cant resist the passion of the group >.<>.<''' Again...whats next?? Im bored everyday with the computer...online on msn, facebook, blogger,...sien dude!! These days I cant release the container which keeping the Jacob's Weetameal!! IT TASTE LIKE HEAVEN AND I SEEM LIKE TAKING DRUGS...NON STOP EATING IT!! >.<
I think thats it for now...Got things to do...